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  1. Pershendetje Ketu mund te bisedojme rreth studimeve ne USA. Hajde te shohim sesa behemi :)
  2. Hi all ! Ju pershendes te gjitheve dhe kam kenaqesi qe ndodhem prane jush ;)
  3. Pershendetje ! Hi Master Degree in Political Science (International relation & american government) Brooklyn, NEW YORK-USA Magjistrature ne shkencat politike (ne semestrin i fundit), Brooklyn New Jork-SHBA Ju uroj suksese te gjitheve
  4. Hello Do you want to learn Albanian language. Online classes with live Teachers Visit : www.learnalbanianlanguage.com Chat live with your teachers. Mesoni gjuhen shqipe nga kompjuteri.
  5. Pershendetje ! Uroj te gjithe besimtaret Musliman Gezuar e per shume vjet Kurban Bajramin.
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